Fit Mutiple Models
Evaluating multiple models
offers two ways of passing multiple models in set-up to our CrossValidation interface class. You either can call add_model()
multiple times on the class instance or you can pass multiple models to set_models()
to set a configuration for multiple models at once. The latter may be the preferred way of doing it when the number of models gets larger and you want to reuse the configuration. We will discuss both ways in this guide.
For both ways of interacting with the CrossValidation
class instance, a ModelMappingDict
is created internally and stored to the instance's config
Since both add_model()
and set_models()
are updating the same attribute of the class instance, you can use both ways in combination. This is especially useful when you want to add a model to a configuration that you already set up using set_models()
In CrossValidation.perform
the core function cross_validate
is called and iterates over the keys in ModelMappingDict
and fits every model to the data. As additional benefit, this provides extensive logging, results summaries and useful information such as progress bars for all layers of processes.
Using add_model()
So let's start with the way of adding two models the way we learned before. Say, we want to compare a LinearModel to a RandomForestRegressor. Thats as simple as this:
import optuna
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from flexcv import CrossValidation
from flexcv.models import LinearModel
from flexcv.merf import MERF
from flexcv.model_postprocessing import RandomForestModelPostProcessor, LinearModelPostProcessor
from flexcv.synthesizer import generate_regression
# lets start with generating some clustered data
X, y, group, random_slopes =generate_regression(
# define our hyperparameters for the random forest
params = {
"max_depth": optuna.distributions.IntDistribution(5,100),
cv =CrossValidation()
cv.set_data(X, y, group, random_slopes)
.add_model(model_class=LinearModel, post_processor=LinearModelPostProcessor)
.add_model(model_class=RandomForestRegressor, requires_inner_cv=True, params=params, post_processor=RandomForestModelPostProcessor)
Configuration using yaml
A great and convenient method to configure multiple models at once is passing yaml-code to the interface.
This is especially useful when you want to reuse the configuration for multiple runs and save it to a file.
takes either a yaml-string or a path to a yaml-file.
As a hidden gem, we implemented a yaml-parser that can take care of imports of model classes and postprocessors. It also takes care of instantiating the optuna distributions for hyperparameter optimization.
Just use the following yaml tags:
Note: Don't put commas to end the lines of the distributions in the yaml file. This will break the instantiation of the distributions since the yaml parser will interpret the comma as part of the distribution and cast it to float.
Please also note, that the yaml parser does not allow scientific notation at the moment. This is due to the fact that the yaml parser will interpret the scientific notation as a string and not as a float. This may be improved in future versions when pyaml is updating their regex that constructs floats.
Use the following syntax to define the distribution:
Note: You have to provide keys for the distribution parameters. Also you have to provide low and high values. Exceptions are thestep
parameter for IntDistribution
which defaults to 1 and the log
parameter which defaults to False.
With our yaml configuration we could define models like this:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.svm import SVR
from xgboost import XGBRegressor
from flexcv import CrossValidation
from flexcv.merf import MERF
from flexcv.model_mapping import ModelConfigDict, ModelMappingDict
from flexcv.models import LinearMixedEffectsModel, LinearModel
yaml_mapping = """
requires_inner_cv: False
n_jobs_model: 1
n_jobs_cv: 1
model: flexcv.models.LinearModel
post_processor: flexcv.model_postprocessing.LinearModelPostProcessor
requires_inner_cv: False
n_jobs_model: 1
n_jobs_cv: 1
model: flexcv.models.LinearMixedEffectsModel
post_processor: flexcv.model_postprocessing.LMERModelPostProcessor
requires_inner_cv: true
n_trials: 10
n_jobs_model: -1
n_jobs_cv: 1
model: sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor
max_depth: !Int
low: 5
high: 100
min_samples_split: !Int
low: 2
high: 1000
log: true
min_samples_leaf: !Int
low: 2
high: 5000
log: true
max_samples: !Float
low: 0.0021
high: 0.9
max_features: !Int
low: 1
high: 10
max_leaf_nodes: !Int
low: 10
high: 40000
min_impurity_decrease: !Float
low: 0.0000000008
high: 0.02
log: true
min_weight_fraction_leaf: !Float
low: 0
high: 0.5
ccp_alpha: !Float
low: 0.000008
high: 0.01
n_estimators: !Int
low: 2
high: 7000
post_processor: flexcv.model_postprocessing.RandomForestModelPostProcessor
# and then call .set_models on your CrossValidation instance
cv = CrossValidation()
method by using the yaml_path
keyword argument.
import yaml
from flexcv import CrossValidation
yaml_code = """
requires_inner_cv: False
n_jobs_model: 1
n_jobs_cv: 1
model: flexcv.models.LinearModel
post_processor: flexcv.model_postprocessing.LinearModelPostProcessor
with open("my_yaml.yaml", "w") as f:
yaml.safe_dump(yaml_code, f)
cv = CrossValidation()
Configuration using a ModelMappingDict
Of course, when you want to compare a larger number of models you can assign them to a customized ModelMappingDict directly and pass the mapping directly to the .set_models
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.svm import SVR
from xgboost import XGBRegressor
import optuna
from flexcv import CrossValidation
from flexcv.merf import MERF
from flexcv.model_mapping import ModelConfigDict, ModelMappingDict
from flexcv.models import LinearMixedEffectsModel, LinearModel
import flexcv.model_postprocessing as mp
model_map = ModelMappingDict(
"LinearModel": ModelConfigDict(
"model": LinearModel,
"post_processor": mp.LinearModelPostProcessor,
"requires_inner_cv": False,
"LinearMixedEffectsModel": ModelConfigDict(
"model": LinearMixedEffectsModel,
"post_processor": mp.LMERModelPostProcessor,
"requires_inner_cv": False,
"RandomForest": ModelConfigDict(
"model": RandomForestRegressor,
"params": {
"max_depth": optuna.distributions.IntDistribution(5,100),
"n_estimators": optuna.distributions.CategoricalDistribution(
"post_processor": mp.RandomForestModelPostProcessor,
"requires_inner_cv": True,
# and then call .set_models on your CrossValidation instance
cv = CrossValidation()
In this guide you learned several ways to set up your models for cases where you want to compare multiple models in the same run. You have seen how to use the add_model()
method, how to use yaml configuration and how to use a ModelMappingDict
to set up your models. You can use all of these methods in combination to set up your models and to fully customize your cross validation setup.
This makes it easy to compare multiple models on your data and to find the best model for your use case. A big help is the neptune integration that we provide. You can find a more detailled guide on how to use it here.